Here are the best 20 printable elephant coloring pages and 20 elephant tracing sheets for kids, adults, girls and boys. Download all images in high quality in pdf printable form. Give them to your kids and students and they gonna love it.
Elephant Coloring Pages/Sheets
This elephant with lots of artwork giving him a royal look. You can use many colors in this coloring page of elephant.
Cute long ear elephant in sitting position with a smile on his face.
Elephant with a birthday hat! He must be enjoying birthday party.
Tierd elephant in a sitting position asking for help. Thats so cute
Baby elephant on his two legs looks happy.
Elephant laying on his hands and looking at something! whats that? is it a TV or he doing a yoga.
Mother elephant roaming in the jungle. Here you can color 3 things elephant, soil and trees.
Beautiful elephant wishing you a very happy birthday. Show your creativity in coloring.
King elephant of a elephant’s kabila in a sitting position. Instructing to his young members.
Cute little baby elephant is happy to have a candy. So thankful
When you see you old friend after a long time. You hug them, same is shown here in this image.
Little elephant watering a flower plant. We should love our nature.
New born elephant baby is happy on his first walk.
Old aggressive elephant seems not in a happy mood. Color him and make it realistic.
Elephant with bird friend walking on the bank of river. So romantic
Hot air balloon doesn’t have space so he made his on balloon and look what!! it worked.
Playing baby elephant with a flower.
Baby elephant dressed up and ready for the park.
Big elephant looking upward.
Elephants are happy running around. Playing with friends.
Also Read: Anime girl with short hair drawings
Elephant Tracing Sheets/Pages
Here are the 20 elephant tracing pages for kids
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